How to change adobe cs3 serial number
How to change adobe cs3 serial number

how to change adobe cs3 serial number how to change adobe cs3 serial number

TITLE Install AdobeCreativeSuite3MasterCollectionVL So I use a startup script that looks like this:Ĭ:\WINNT\system32\REG.EXE QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uni nstall\ I am deploying by group policy, the install only works when run as a logged on user, they are idiots at Adobe, because they are using environment variables not available at startup. TimH, thanks you saved me a lot of time, the -record=1 worked a treat. I ended up setting the timeout to 30 minutes!! (Even on new high spec systems with Gb network) It is worth trying a manual interactive deploy on a machine first because the install routines does not log any useful failure reasons.ġ) The install checks the screen resolution - it WILL FAIL if it is less than 1024x768Ģ) The install checks for memory - you need a minimum of 384Mbģ) The install checks for Disk - you need at least 4.4Gb free on c:Ĥ) It takes a very long time - You need to ensure that Group Policy does not time out. In the same directory as the install.xml is the file. Z:\Setup.exe -mode=Silent -deploymentFile="z:\install.xml" So I made a temporary network drive (z that pointed to the Adobe CS3 subdirectory of the image of the CD on my server.

how to change adobe cs3 serial number

You can deploy Adobe CS3 using Group Policy - here is how I have done it.įirst I needed to be able to avoid using UNCs (Īme) - the install routine fails if you try this.

How to change adobe cs3 serial number